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Scribbr Plagiarism Checker
How does the scan work?
Why does the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker regard a source in my reference list as a similarity?
Why does the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker regard a source in my reference list as a similarity?
Updated over a week ago

The Scribbr Plagiarism Checker detect similarities between your paper and a comprehensive database of web and publication content. Because many students write their references in the same way (for instance in APA Style), a plagiarism checker finds many similarities with these sources.

A reference found by the check is not a form of plagiarism. Therefore, there is no need to take action.

How to exclude your reference list from your results:

You can exclude matches from your reference list in your Plagiarism Check results. However, please be aware that this might not always work, depending on your document.

Step 1: Open your Plagiarism Check results.
Step 2: Click the settings button in the “Sources overview” (see picture below).
Step 3: Select exclude reference list (see picture below).
Step 4: Click “Done.”

Step 1 - Deselect Reference list

Step 2 - Deselect Reference list

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