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What file formats are supported by the thesis Proofreading and Editing service?
What file formats are supported by the thesis Proofreading and Editing service?
Updated over a week ago

If you would like to have your thesis edited by Scribbr, you can upload your thesis only in the following format:

  • Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)

The editor will improve your thesis using ‘Track Changes’ in Microsoft Word. We will always return to you a .docx file. In this Word file you can accept or ignore the changes the editor has made using the ‘Track Changes’ tool in Word. You can convert .odt files to .docx in OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Would you like to have your document checked for plagiarism? Then upload your thesis in .doc, .docx or .pdf format. For more information go to Which file formats are supported by the Scribbr Plagiarism Check?

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