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Scribbr Plagiarism Checker
What should I know before placing an order?
I ordered the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker in combination with Proofreading & Editing. When should I start the Plagiarism Checker?
I ordered the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker in combination with Proofreading & Editing. When should I start the Plagiarism Checker?
Updated over a week ago

If you purchased a Plagiarism Checker in combination with our Proofreading & Editing service, you can start the Plagiarism Checker anytime at your convenience.

Scribbr recommends using the Plagiarism Checker after you have received your document and gone through all of the edits. Then you can upload the most recent version of your paper and avoid having to manually transfer changes from one document to another.

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